Book Studies
Do you want to learn effective ways to work with children/youth?
Do you want to wish you had others to share with and learn from?
Do you read books on parenting, trauma, or behavior?
Book studies are a great way to gather together and learn! We learn best when we take an active role. Through reading a common book, participants will meet to discuss specified chapters. During book study meetings, participants will be able to share their insights, discuss their concerns, process how they have implemented what they read, and learn from one another.
We need one another! We need support! Parenting is hard. Teaching is hard. Working with trauma is hard. UpTIC will structure and facilitate book studies for schools, foster/adoptive agencies, foster/adoptive parents, or anyone who is interested in learning more about trauma. UpTIC will provide additional knowledge, guided discussion, and answers to questions based on the book and topic.
The structure of the book studies will vary based on the book and participants.
Possible books include:
- What Happened to You by Bruce Perry and Oprah Winfrey
- Help for Billy by Heather T. Forbes
- The Connected Child by David R. Cross, Karyn B. Purvis, and Wendy Lyons Sunshine
- The Connected Parent by Karyn Purvis and Lisa Qualls
- The Whole Brained Child by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
- No-Drama Discipline by Daniel J. Siegel and Tina Payne Bryson
- The New Adolescence by Christine Carter, PhD
and many more!!
Consider a Book Study!!
You will learn something new. You will find support. It will be fun.
Contact for Pricing.
- UpTIC offers book studies with schools, parent groups, churches, or community organizations.
If you are ready to begin, call 806-738-4828 or message us using the Contact button below!