Make an Appointment: (806) 738-4828 | [email protected]

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    Upcoming Events

    All training will be held at Valleyview Nazarene Church, 7601 S Western, Amarillo, TX 79110. 

    Group Rates are available. For more information on group rates, please email [email protected]

    Cancellation/Refund Policy

    • Cancellations received 7 days prior to the event will be refunded at 100%.
    • Cancellations received 3 days prior to the event will be refunded at 50%.
    • Cancellations received 24 hours or less prior to the event will not be refunded.
    • To cancel/request a refund, please email [email protected]

    **UpTIC is an approved Continuing Education provider for Texas Educators.**

    Tiered Behavior Support - REGISTRATION CLOSED

    This training is targeted specifically at Educators.

    Join us for an in-person training that will equip educators with the skills they need to provide tiered behavior support to their students. You may find that your campus or classroom does not fall under the traditional MTSS tiered model, with approximately 80% of your students being in the Tier 1 category. You may have a larger population of Tier 2 and Tier 3 behaviors due to trauma, toxic stress, or socioeconomic factors. You will learn effective techniques to promote positive behavior in the classroom. Whether you're a seasoned educator or just starting your journey, this training will empower you to prepare for and respond to Tier 2 and Tier 3 behaviors.


    If you want to bring this training to your district/campus, contact [email protected]

    Behaviors on Fire - REGISTRATION CLOSED

    This training is targeted specifically at Educators.

    Join us for an in-person training that will equip educators with strategies to tackle escalating student behaviors. Together we will learn how trauma has impacted student behavior and what you can do to help create behavioral change. You will discover a new perspective on behavior change through a group process. You will gain practical tools to address social, emotional, and behavioral difficulties effectively. Participants will get to experience this group process firsthand. If you wonder how this will work for you because you can’t or don’t do group work, this training is still for you! This group process can be done one-on-one with students, and pieces of this process can be intertwined into your regular classroom processes. At the end, you will have an opportunity to begin planning what these strategies will look like as you welcome students in August. 


    If you want to bring this training to your district/campus, contact [email protected]


    This training is targeted at the General Public.

    If you live or work with children and youth who have been impacted by trauma, toxic stress, or adversity, this training is for you! At this training, you will learn the basics of trauma and trauma’s impact on emotional regulation and behavior. The HOPE framework, rooted in the science of positive childhood experiences, will help you think about and discover ways to safeguard your child/youth’s future health outcomes, even if they have experienced trauma. Finally, you will gain practical strategies to support the children and youth in your life.


    If you want to bring this training to your organization, contact [email protected]

    Rethinking Discipline - REGISTRATION CLOSED

    This training is targeted specifically at Educators.

    At this in-person training, educators will uncover the significant impact of trauma on students' brain and body functioning and how trauma manifests in the classroom. We will dive into an open and honest discussion about the challenges of traditional discipline methods when working with trauma-affected students. This training provides a platform for educators to navigate these challenges and gain insights into trauma-informed discipline approaches.


    If you want to bring this training to your district/campus, contact [email protected]

    Upcoming Events

    For more information about upcoming events, please call 806-738-4828 or email using the Contact Button below.