Make an Appointment: (806) 738-4828 | [email protected]

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    Why Trauma-Informed Care Matters

    Kendra founded UpTIC after working with countless youth who, in spite of their trauma, longed for healing and connection with others. The desire is to bring healing to future generations, one child at a time. This cannot be done alone. UpTIC offers hope for educators, families, parents, and agencies to foster resilience in the children they serve by raising awareness of trauma’s impact and providing strategies for healing.

    When we work to bring healing to our children now, they are set up for greater success as adults!

    What Is Trauma

    Trauma is a stressful event that a person experiences, leaving a lasting, negative impact on the person’s stress response system. Trauma can be a multitude of situations or events, but it is a situation that is unique to each person in how their brain and body interpret the event(s). The body’s stress response system serves to protect us and keep us safe in times of danger. However, trauma disrupts how a person interprets the world around them, causing the stress response system to be overactive. This overactive response system can create behavioral responses that look like anxiety, depression, aggression, withdrawal, crying, clinginess, and the list goes on. 

    The impact of trauma can cause deficits in how children relate to others, learn, behave, and manage emotions. It can negatively impact school functioning, motivation, and academic performance. Trauma can impair higher-level thinking and problem-solving.

    Attachment, simply put, is a bond created through repeated experiences with a caregiver. Trauma can lead to children having disrupted attachment, making it challenging and scary for children to trust adults. Disrupted attachment negatively impacts emotional regulation and interpersonal relationships. 

    Traditional discipline strategies in schools and homes do not consider the effects of trauma. Trauma has disrupted a child’s usual way of functioning, thinking, and behaving. Discipline must be viewed through a trauma-informed lens in order to address the underlying needs and bring healing to unhealthy behavior. Shifting one’s perspective on what daily structures and procedures look like will help meet the biological/neurological needs of children impacted by trauma. Trauma-informed practices will provide opportunities for children to learn the skills that are lacking, slowly eliminating unwanted behavior altogether.

    What Now

    UpTIC is committed to helping you understand the biological impact of trauma and learn approaches that will meet your student’s or child’s needs. UpTIC will work with you to implement proactive strategies for regulation and relationships, reducing the time spent managing unwanted behavior. 

    • Teachers will have more time to teach.
    • Administrators will have more time to oversee instruction.
    • Parents will have more time for fun family activities.  

    If you are ready to begin, call 806-738-4828 or message using the button below!